Vegetarian Cape Cod

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Vegan Mac & Cheese

The "cheese" is Follow Your Heart vegan Monterey Jack, available at Cape Cod Natural Foods. The rest of the ingredients, whole wheat elbows, soy milk, panko, olive oil and spices are all readily available at most grocery stores. It doesn't taste like regular mac & cheese, but it still has a nice flavor.

The only place I've found truly vegan soy cheese on the Cape is at Cape Cod Natural Foods, though it's probably available at other natural foods stores as well. The ones that are available at the regular grocery stores and Trader Joe's contain casein, so they are not vegan. If you happen to find vegan soy cheese, note that only the Follow Your Heart and Vegan Rella brands will melt when cooked. Other brands will retain their shape. They taste fine, but have a very different texture!

Vegan Stroganoff

I made this earlier this month. The recipe is from Vegan with a Vengeance. In it is homemade seitan, recipe also from VwaV. Store bought seitan can be purchased at Cape Cod Natural Foods (and likely other natural foods stores), but making it is not terribly difficult and much cheaper. All it takes is vital wheat gluten and some seasonings that you probably already have around the house. Vital wheat gluten is also available at Cape Cod Natural Foods, as well as in the natural foods section of Shaw's.

This particular recipe does not call for a sour cream substitute, which was the appeal for me. I like Tofutti Sour Cream, but it's expensive and more difficult to find. I did have a carton of it that I purchased at Whole Foods in Hingham, though it can probably be found at most of the natural foods stores around. However, I only used it as a garnish, and it's not at all necessary to the recipe. The veggies in the recipe can all be found at any grocery store (frozen peas and asparagus, fresh carrots, onion and garlic. The recipe calls for shallots, but I didn't have any so I added extra garlic and onions). Finally, to make this vegan, I used whole wheat fettuchini that I found at Shaw's instead of using the traditional egg noodles.

This was incredibly good. Recipes like this make being a veg*n easy!


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Originally Made November 12, 2006

Stuffed Acorn Squash with Couscous-cranberry-walnut stuffing.

Acorn Squash purchased from Lambert's Rainbow Fruit in Centerville, Whole Wheat Couscous from Job Lot in Buzzards Bay (for cheap!) and dried cranberries and walnuts can be purchased from Trader Joe's.

Vegan pizza!

The "cheese" is Veganrella, purchased from Cape Cod Natural Foods in Centerville, the Yves "pepperoni" from Stop & Shop, and the crust is a Whole Wheat-Cornmeal mixture. The whole wheat pastry flour can be found at Cape Cpd Natural Foods.

Ah, 6 months and not a single post!

Shortly after starting this blog, I changed jobs. This one usually put me at home or near home at lunch and dinner, so I stopped eating out nearly as much. Plus, to be honest, I like the same-old, same-old, and tend to eat at the same restaurants. So, instead of posting about eating out on Cape Cod (which I will still do occasionally), I will be posting about eating at home and cooking on Cape Cod, with foods readily found here. Since I do live on the tiny part of Cape Cod that is not over the bridge, I do much of my grocery shopping at the Stop & Shop in Wareham and the Shaws in Ceaderville, neither of which are part of Cape Cod, but I've not ever found things there I can't find in their analogous stores over the bridge. Otherwise, all posts on "where-to-but" will feature Cape stores.


Sunday, May 07, 2006


Being a vegetarian on Cape Cod has not been the easiest experience, especially when it comes to eating out! I hate going to eat places where my only choices are salad or plain pasta.

I've been stuck in a rut lately. I've taken lately to eating at a burrito place that's near my work whenever I don't bring my lunch. While I really like Burrito Bistro, eating the same thing all the time isn't good for you! So, I'm going to be trying out some different places on Cape Cod for lunches, primarily. My criteria: less than a 15 minute drive from either my office, or the next place that I have to be; more than 2 vegetarian options on the menu that do not include cheese or eggs as the sole protein source; items must either be under (approximately) 500 calories for a serving, or be really, really, really filling. I'm fairly certain the burritos I've been eating are more than 500 calories, but they fill me up so I'm happy to only eat a piece of fruit for dinner.

Here goes!